
  • Judging Day for both Queen & Little Miss will be Sunday, July 13, 2025, with times to be determined.

    Queen Entry Form

    Queen Forms are due Sunday, May 25, 2025

    Little Miss Application

    Little Miss Forms are due Sunday, June 29, 2025

  • This year we want you to bring your best burger. These can be pork, beef, chicken, turkey, or wild game. Make it any way you would like and dress it up your favorite way. You must plate up four plates, one for each judge and one for display.

    Entries received Saturday, July 20 from 4:30 to 5:00 pm. Judging begins at 5:00 pm. Bring your entries to the Family Craft Building. Judging will be held in the open activity building.

    The following awards will be given: (FOR EACH CONTEST)

    First Place - $150.00

    Second Place - $100.00

    Third Place – $50.00

    1) Create your Best Burger any way you wish. Enter it on your own dish.

    2) You will plate up 4 plates, one for each judge plus the show plate. You will furnish the plates and eating utensils. You can add anything you like to your plates (garnishes, sauces, etc.).

    3) Entries will be judged on taste/flavor (60%), creativity (20%), appearance (20%).

    4) A complete recipe, without your name, must accompany each entry.

  • Cheesecakes are a great dessert and come in many different flavors. Create your best cheesecake and present it to our judges and see if yours is award winning.

    You can create a large cheesecake that will be cut into smaller pieces or you can do separate little cheesecakes, whatever you prefer, be creative.

    Entries received Saturday, July 20 from 4:30 to 5:00 pm. Judging begins at 5:00 pm. Bring your entries to the Family Craft Building. Judging will be held in the open activity building.

    The following awards will be given:

    First Place - $150.00

    Second Place - $100.00

    Third Place – $50.00

    1) Create your best Cheesecake any way you wish. Enter it on your own dish.

    2) We will take your cheesecake out to the judges, and we will plate up a small piece for each judge to taste and a small piece for show. (this is different from the past, but the judges would like to see the cheesecake before we cut into it).

    3) Please bring 4 plates for us to serve your pie on.

    4) Entries will be judged on taste/flavor (60%), creativity (20%), appearance (20%).

    5) A complete recipe, without your name, must accompany each entry.

  • Fudge is one of America’s favorite candy made during the Christmas Season. Over the years, people have created many different flavors of fudge. Bring your favorite to share with our judges and you may just win some Christmas Money.

    Bring 6 pieces of your best/favorite fudge. Serve it on a try, a plate, or any way to create a great presentation.

    Entries received Saturday, July 20 from 4:30 to 5:00 pm. Judging begins at 5:00 pm. Bring your entries to the Family Craft Building. Judging will be held in the open activity building.

    The following awards will be given:

    First Place - $150.00

    Second Place - $100.00

    Third Place – $50.00

    1) Mix up and bring your best fudge. Enter it on your own dish.

    2) We will take your plate of fudge out to the judges. Each judge will select a piece to try and then we will put your plate on display.

    3) Please bring one serving container for us to deliver your fudge on.

    4) Entries will be judged on taste/flavor (60%), creativity (20%), appearance (20%).

    5) A complete recipe, without your name, must accompany each entry.

  • Car Show Rules

    1. Registration will be from 9:30 to 11:00 am. The Show starts at 11:00 and ends with prize presentation at 1:00pm

    2. All vehicles must be setup by 11:00 a.m. and ready for show. All work on vehicles and cleaning and dusting of your vehicle must be completed by this time.

    3. No obscene wording, drawings, photos will be allowed on a vehicle, sign or displayed in area. You will be disqualified and asked to leave the property.

    4. Important - Once your vehicle is parked in the car show, the vehicle CANNOT BE MOVED until the end of the show, 1:00 pm.

    5. Hoods must be open, trunks are optional. The driver's side window must be down.

    6. Exhibitor's entry number must be clearly displayed on the driver's side windshield to be judged.

    7. This is a CAR show and not a sound system contest. Please do not have your stereo playing.

    8. Antique is 1965 and older. Classic is 1966 to 1990. Modern Era is 1991 and newer.

    Competition Classes:

    • Classic Car

    • Classic Truck

    • Antique Car

    • Antique Truck

    • Custom Motorcycle

    • Stock Motorcycle

    • Rat Rod Custom Built 

    • Modern Era 

    Overall Best of Show

    Prizes willbe drawn, and trophies presented at 1:00.

  • This will be 3 separate contests: Kids 6 and under

    Kids 7-12 years old

    Adults 13 years and older

    Registration will be Friday evening from 3:30-4:30 in the open activity building.

    Come and eat your corn on the cob as fast as you can. Some will have so much time to each as much corn as possible and others we will see who can eat the most pieces of corn. The 6 and under contest will begin right after the Ugly “Sweater” T-shirt contest.


    1. A registration form must be filled out for each contestant.

    2. Any contestant who is sick is disqualified and must clean up their own mess.

    3. The first person to finish their corn in the shortest amount of time or the most pieces, depending on which age group, will be the winner.

    4. The winner of the contest will receive cash and sponsors prizes.

    5. Any person caught cheating will be disqualified.

    6. Each contestant will be provided with a glass of water.

    7. To be declared the winner, the contestant must swallow all their corn and show an empty mouth to the judges.

    8. Each contest is limited to the first 20 contestants.

  • All Contestants will be viewed together. We will award:

    First Place

    Second Place

    Third Place

    Registration will be Friday evening from 3:30-4:30 in the open activity building.

    Think of all of those Christmas Movies we all watch every year. Pick a favorite character and dress the part. You can be Cindy Lou Who, Buddy the Elf, Randy from the Christmas Story, the Grinch, Ebenezer Scrooge, Kevin from Home Alone, etc. We all have that character we love.


    1. A registration form must be filled out for each contestant.

    2. The winner of the contest will receive cash and sponsors prizes.

  • Entry/Show Day: Friday, July 19, 2024 – Entry 9:00 a.m. – Expo Show Ring

    Department Rules:

    1. Project is open to all Cherokee County youth age 4 through sixth grade. Youth age 4 through third grade must be accompanied by an adult in the show ring.

    2. Calves must be purchased and in possession of the youth within two weeks of birth. Any newborn or orphaned calf - steer or heifer - dairy or beef - purebred or crossbred - calved between March 1 and July 1 of the current year can be a part of this project. Bull calves will be allowed at the fair.

    3. Calf must be bucket or bottle fed. No nursing permitted.

    4. An exhibitor is limited to a maximum of two calves exhibited at the fair. (This does not include other beef or dairy exhibits.)

    5. Calves do not need to be ear tagged or entered before the fair. Record-keeping forms will need to be filled out prior to the show day and are available at the Extension Office. The record keeping forms must be turned in at the time of entry on the day of the show between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. at the expo show ring.

    6. All calves will be shown on halter and should be clean and groomed.

    7. Youth will be asked questions regarding:

    a. What the youth has learned about care and management of raising the calf.

    b. Showing/handling of the calf.

    c. Fitting, general health, and condition of the calf and youth’s knowledge of this project.

    d. Complete and accurate records of this project.

    NOTE: Quality and conformation of the calf will NOT be considered in the bucket/bottle program.

    8. Bucket/Bottle Calf exhibitors must follow the fair’s rules and health requirements as

    stated in the fair book. These include, but are not limited to:

    a. No evidence of warts, ringworm, pinkeye, or other infectious condition will be allowed.

    b. All exhibitors must show his or her own animal.

    c. Each exhibitor is responsible for the care of his or her animal.

    9. Calves will be brought to the fair on the day of show and return home the same day.

    10. A participation ribbon and a $2.00 premium will be awarded to all participants.

  • Rules for the contest are as follows:

    1. Each contestant receives a packet containing four fabrics. All four of these fabrics must be used. Add no other fabric or embellishments

    (example: buttons, ribbons, beats, etc.)

    2. Each finished block must be 9-1/2 square, which includes 1⁄4” seam on each side. Blocks should not be set on point. Only use material supplied from the kits. Your block will not be judged if the size is incorrect.

    3. Blocks may be pieced, appliqued, paper pieced or any combination thereof.

    4. Blocks will be judged on creativity, best use of fabrics provided and workmanship.

    5. Blocks become the property of the Cherokee County Fair. Do not attach backing to any of the block.

    After the blocks are made by contestants, the blocks will be on display for the duration of the fair. After the fair, the blocks will be made into a quilt to be sold at next year’s Cherokee County Fair.

    All profits will be used to improve the Cherokee County Fair.

    All blocks need to be entered at the Family Craft building on July 16, 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm or July 17, 2024 from 8 am until noon.

    Packets for quilt blocks may be picked up at Quilt & Kaboodle quilt shop in Cherokee, Iowa or contact the fairboard to pick up. For more information on obtaining a quilt block kit,call Dori Claykamp 712-221-1967 or Peggy Corrington



    1st: $50 from the Cherokee County Fair Association

    2nd: $25 from the Cherokee County Fair Association

    3rd: $10 from the Cherokee County Fair Association

  • Open to Students in Grades 1-4 

    Registration Friday 3:30-4:30 in the Open Activity building 

    Spelling Bee Contest
    Friday 5PM at the Lily of the Valley School

    Spelling Lists

  • All Contestants will be viewed together. We will award:

    First Place

    Second Place

    Third Place

    Registration will be Friday evening from 3:30-4:30 in the open activity building.

    Dig out your Ugly Christmas Sweaters or create a new ugly T-shirt with a fair theme. You can decorate, purchase or create your own Ugly Shirt any way you want. Please remember, the fair is a family place so shirts must be clean of any profanity or obscene items/gestures.


    1. A registration form must be filled out for each contestant.

    2. The winner of the contest will receive cash and sponsors prizes.